Below you will find follow-along workouts for golf and tennis. These were primarily created for the high school, college, and healthy, active adult athletes. They were curated by Joe Combs, PT, DPT, CSCS for the purpose of providing a simple, minimal equipment workout that could be completed almost anywhere or anytime.
Equipment Needed:
Hip Bands found by [clicking here]
Long resistance bands found by [clicking here]
Medicine ball (recommended weight 6lbs): Option A = [click here] ; Option B = [click here]
(Option A is a more robust product and will withstand damage and last longer. Option B is a more affordable option, but doesn’t last as long, especially in those able to create a lot of speed for medicine ball slams)
* I receive a small commission for the products purchased through these links. However, as you can see in the video, they are the exact brand and products I use myself